2020 Telugu Christian Songs | karuna chupimchuma | Sayaram Gattu | Telugu corona christian song

2020 Telugu Christian Songs | karuna chupimchuma |  Sayaram Gattu | Telugu corona christian song

#TeluguCoronaSong #ChristianCoronaSong #KarunaChupimchuma #Covid19 #CoronaVirus

Telugu corona christian song by Sayaram Gattu, Sai Charan and Symon Peter

Album: Loka Rakshakudu
Lyrics, Tune and Producer: Sayaram Gattu
Sung By: Sai Charan
Music: Immanuel Rajesh
Creative Head: Symon Peter
Edit & VFX: Wesley Vfx (Hallaluya Raju)
Mix & Master: Vincent Raj (Vincey Studios)

Telugu christian song written by Sayaram Gattu based on the corona virus crisis to uplift the spirit of the people in telugu christian churches. As it is written in telugu bible that God will protect His people when they repent and ask forgiveness. Sai Charan performed this telugu christian lyrics song on his own went to the studio and nobody could accompany him, except sound engineer, due to pandemic and social distance. Due to corrections we had to delete few voice takes that he sent and make it sounding well with first takes only.

Thirigi Lechadu : https://youtu.be/dDVOtaAMSck
siluvalo nee prema : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3-rN3-cCA
Singer Sri Nisha : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REJU2T2Ix_o
Maruvani Needu Prematho : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRXuDzMjVhg
Yajakuda Maa Yajakuda : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnMuIdcP_kU
Ambaranni Dhate : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBY01wp_ZWU
puttinadanta yesu nadhudu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaWF3ZqAdn8
nee shramala karanamu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRFajc7fc-A
Jeevadhipathivi Nive : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1jSAMyivb4

DISCLAIMER: We are using video clips from various biblical movies only to represent the bible situations effectively that are suitable to the lyrics of our songs but not with the intention of breaking any copyrights. Please reach us for any clarifications and concerns on the same at sayaram@gospelsongsministry.com.

Tags: sayaram gattu songs / gospelsongsministry telugu songs / telugu jesus songs / telugu worship songs / telugu corona crisis song / jesus telugu love songs / telugu christian songs / 2020 telugu christian songs

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