Overview of the book of Ecclesiastes
The book of Ecclesiastes represents a journey from one point to another. It is a book that asks all the questions and the rest of the bible answers. The author of this book was unable to find meaning in life by living for work and searching for the answers to life’s questions or by pursuing more and more pleasures. His efforts resulted in a sense of emptiness.
The great truth of Ecclesiastes lies in the acknowledgment of God’s ever-present hands on our lives. Even though injustice and uncertainty threaten us, we can trust him and follow him. The content in this book reflects individuals who were looking back on a life that was a long experience but short on lasting rewards.
The author of Ecclesiastes was a king and had the opportunity and resources to pursue the rewards of wisdom, pleasure, and work. But he looked back on his folly with regret and suggested the readers have a better and simpler life lived in light of God’s direction.
Our yesayya.com will help your understanding to aid in your Ecclesiastes bible study of God’s word. We hope this overview, outline, and Book of Ecclesiastes Bible study are helpful to you.
What does Ecclesiastes mean: It is a Greek term and Ecclesiastes’ meaning is a preacher and it is derived from the word assembly.
Who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes: This book doesn’t directly identify the author. But few verses says Solomon was the author of the book of Ecclesiastes
When was Ecclesiastes written: the book was written at the end of Solomon’s reign around 935 B.C. It is the twentieth-first book of the old testament in the Bible.
How many chapters in Ecclesiastes: There were 12 chapters in the book of Ecclesiastes
Purpose of writing the book of Ecclesiastes: It is the book of perspective. The narrative of the preacher reveals the depression that imminent results from seeking happiness in worldly things. The preacher inspects every form of worldly pleasure, and none of it gives a sense of meaning to him. In the end, He accepts faith in God is the only way to find personal meaning. He advises the reader to focus on eternal God instead of temporary pleasures in the world.
Outline of Ecclesiastes
I. Prologue: The Author and Thesis, 1:1-3
II. The Thesis Demonstrated, 1:4-2:26
A. The vanity of the Cycles of Life, 1:4-11
B. The Futility of Human Wisdom, 1:12-18
C. The Futility of Pleasure and Wealth, 2:1-11
D. The Futility of Materialism, 2:12-23
E. Conclusion: Enjoy and Be Content with the Provinces of God, 2:24-26
III. God’s Design for Life, 3:1-22
A. He Gives Life’s Order of Events, 3:1-11
B. He Gives the best Gifts of Life, 3:12-13
C. He Gives the Perspective of Future Judgment,
D. Conclusion, 3:22
IV. The vanity of the different Circumstances of Life, 4:1-5:20
A. Oppression, 4:1-3
B. Work, 4:4-12
C. Political Success, 4:13-16
D. False Worship, 5:1-7
E. Hoarded Riches, 5:8-17
F. Conclusion, 5:18-20
V. The Futility of Riches, 6:1-12
VI. Counsel for Living, 7:1-12:8
A. Counsel in View of Man’s Wickedness, 7:1-29
B. Counsel in View of God’s Inscrutable Provinces, 8:1-9:18
C. Counsel in View of the Uncertainties of Life, 10:1-20
D. Counsel in View of the Aging Processes of Life, 11:1-12:8
VII. Conclusion, 12:9-14
What is the book of Ecclesiastes about
Ecclesiastes in the bible is an old testament wisdom literature and it is the fourth book of Poetry in the Bible. It is long-form poetic discourse. It starts with one main question at the beginning and gives the explanation and answer in the remaining twelve chapters. The book will never mention its author by name.
The author of Ecclesiastes opens with the words of the preacher and then concludes by enclosing up the preacher’s words and putting his own takeaways at the end. This book traditionally attributed to Solomon because the preacher gives few clues:
- He is the son of David ( Ec 1:1)
- He is a king ( Ec 1:1)
- He ruled all of Israel in Jerusalem ( Ec 1:12)
- He was a wise man( Ec 12:9-10)
Why the book of Ecclesiastes is important
The book presents a naturalistic vision of life. The individual who sees life through distinctively human eyes but eventually recognizes the rule and reign of God in the world. This book has been popular among younger audiences, men, and women due to the humanistic quality. These people have seen more than their fair share of pain in life but they still cling to their hope in God.
Which of the following attributes is associated with wisdom
- Humble
- Good deeds
- Gentle
- Considerate
- Peace-loving
- Merciful
- Sincere
- Impartial
What lesson can be learned from the book of Ecclesiastes
- It offers the Christian’s an opportunity to understand the emptiness and despair of those who do not know God.
- Ecclesiastes’ quotes will teach us a great lesson that satisfaction is found only in God.
- It highlights the emptiness of trying to be joy apart from God.
- The conclusion of this book remains that everyone should fear God and keep his commandments for God. This will bring the deed to Judgement.
- The world under the sun apart from God is cruel, unfair, frustrating, and meaningless. But when we are in fellowship with Christ our life us a shadow ic the glories to come in a heaven that is approachable through Him.
Book of Ecclesiastes summary
The first seven chapters of the book of Ecclesiastes explains the worldly things under the sun. The preacher tries to find fulfillment. The author of Ecclesiastes tries scientific discovery, wisdom, mirth, alcohol, architecture, property, and luxury. He turned his mind to different philosophies to find meaning such as materialism, moral codes. He found that everything was a meaningless and temporary division without God and has no purpose or longevity.
Chapters 8-12 of the book of Ecclesiastes describes the suggestions and comments of the preacher on how life should be lived. Finally, He comes to a conclusion saying that without God there is no truth or meaning to life. He has seen many evils and realized even the man’s achievements are nothing worth in their run. So he advises the reader to acknowledge God from their youth and follow his will.