Overview of the book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is about redemption. It took place during the period of Judges. The book of Ruth bible opens with a report of famine. The book is all about the story of one woman, who separated from the blessings of Israel and found herself in the lineage of David and of Christ. Ruth was a Moabites married to an Israelite who died. She chooses to go with her mother-in-law to Israel, Bethlehem, and is redeemed by an aged man, Boaz from whom she receives a son.
The book of Ruth’s bible study shows how the actions and commitments of ordinary and unexpected people such as widows can change history. God works through the actions of a widow and a wealthy farmer to bring about the grandfather of King David, and this ultimately leads to the birth of Jesus Christ. The story of Ruth stands as a ray of light showing the power of the love between God and His people.
Who wrote the book of Ruth
The author of this book was unknown. Some of them suggest Samuel as the author. The events of this book took place during the period of the Judges.
Historical background of the book of Ruth
The period of judges took place following the death of Joshua. King Saul was the first king of Israel. The book gets its title after the main character of a young woman of Moab named Ruth.
When was the book of Ruth written
It occurred between 1160 BC and 1100 BC. Ruth is the eighth book of the bible. It was written by a skilled storyteller. It is also called the most beautiful short story. Chapter four gives the genealogy from Perez to Obed and beyond to David, this strongly suggests that the book was written during David’s reign as king of Israel. Divisions: The book of Ruth is divided into four distinct sections
- The decision to follow
- The provision of food
- The encounter with Boaz
- The redemption
What is the book of Ruth about
It is a book of a love story. The book of Ruth is a journey of faith and shows the obedience and faith of Ruth. Ruth’s devotion to Naomi and Boaz’s devotion to Ruth provides examples of love among the people of God. But the greatest love is God’s love For Naomi.
- Naomi claims that God has dealt bitterly with her but the story will end with the women recognizing God’s provision for her.
- Naomi also blames God for the]
- loss of her two sons but at last, the book concludes with Ruth praised as better than seven sons.
Just as how Boaz redeemed Naomi and Ruth from their bad situation, David will deliver Israel from her enemies and bring security for the nation of Israel.
Ruth in the bible facts
The book of Ruth shows a picture of Christ in Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer. Boaz was a family member of Naomi and a redeemer. He had willing to buy the land of Naomi’s husband and marry Ruth. In the same way, Jesus also did this for us:
- He became one of us.
- He was self sacrificed for us and willing to buy us back.
Theological Themes of the book of Ruth
- Blessings
- Commitment and royalty
- Family ties
- How God acts
- Lament
- The role of the foreigner
- The spirit of the law
Spiritual lessons from the book of Ruth
Ruth’s sacrifice and hard work provided to her mother- in- law reflected God’s love. Boaz royalty to his kinsman reflected God’s faithfulness. Naomi’s plan for her daughter in law futures reflected selfless love.
The book of Ruth’s bible showed the Israel people’s obedience to God brings blessings. It also shows the loving nature, faithful nature of their God. This book also demonstrates that God responds to His people’s cry.
Outline of the book of Ruth
1. Ruth of Moab (1:1-5)
- Events occurred when the judges ruled
- Famine in the area of Bethlehem
- Migration to Moab
- Elimelech And his wife, Naomi
- They had two sons, Mahlon and Chilton
- They were Ephraimites of Bethlehem-Judah
- Elimelech died in Moab
- The death of Elimelech and after his two sons married
- One of the sons married Orpah
- The other son married Ruth
- Mahlon and Chilion died
- Naomi was without husband or sons
II. Devotion of Ruth to Naomi (1:6-2:23)
A. Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem- Judah
- Both Orpah and Ruth accompanied Naomi
- Naomi urged her daughters-in-law to remain in Moab
- Orpah tearfully agrees to remain in Moab
- Ruth refuses to leave Naomi
B. They arrive at Bethlehem
- Women Of Bethlehem were surprised to see Naomi return back to her native place so sad and desolate
- Naomi ask Israel to call her Mara, instead of Naomi
- Naomi blames Jehovah for her sad plight
- Naomi and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem in Judah at the time of harvest
C. Ruth’s care for Naomi
- Boaz, a wealthy kinsman of Elimelech
- Ruth ask Naomi to permit her to glean the harvest fields
- Ruth gleaned in the field of Boaz
- Boaz observes and meets Ruth
- Boaz provides for Ruth
III. Ruth’s Devotion to her mother-in-law Naomi is rewarded ( 3:1-18 to 4:22)
A. Naomi advises Ruth
- Ruth Follows Naomi’s instructions
- Boaz discovers Ruth at his feet.
B. Boaz desires to become Ruth’s husband
- There was a problem
- The gift to Ruth and Naomi
- Ruth returns to Naomi with good news
C. Boaz marries Ruth
- Boaz and Ruth marry
- Obed is born to Ruth and Boaz
- Detailed information about the genealogy showing David was descended from Ruth and Boaz
Book of Ruth summary
The book of Ruth tells about the story of Naomi, a widow from Bethlehem in Judah, Ruth her daughter-in-law from Moab, and Boaz a farmer from Bethlehem. Ruth, in act to her devotion, follows Naomi home from Moab and meets Boaz, Naomi’s relative. Boaz understands Ruth, even though she is a foreigner but she is a woman of worth. Noami sets a scheme to send Ruth to meet Boaz in secret. But Boaz claims Ruth before the city elders and married her. They have a child that insure the continuation of the David generation that eventually leads to the birth of Jesus Christ.