Overview of the book of Samuel 2
The Book of 2 Samuel continues the story of King David begun in 1 Samuel. King Saul and prophet Samuel were dead but God has not left Israel. God chooses David as a leader of Israel and as Israel’s new king. David was the boy who killed Goliath. He is a famous and mighty warrior in Israel.
David was a good king who serves the Lord and cares for the people of Israel. God blessed David and also the entire nation under his rule. God makes a covenant with David and promises to establish his throne forever.
David disobeyed the lord and slept with Bathsheba, who is married to David’s soldiers. David repeats but God punishes with wars, rebellions, betrayal. But David still serves God throughout these difficulties, and God is faithful to His promise. David remains a king over Israel’s nation.
Our yesayya.com will help your understanding be deepened as you study. We hope this overview, outline, and summary of Samuel 2 are helpful to you.
Who wrote 1 and 2, Samuel
Ancient traditions identify Samuel as the author of the first 24 chapters of 1 Samuel because his death was mentioned in 25th chapter and the remaining 1 and 2 Samuel was completed by Nathan and Gad. Many scholars believe that 1 and 2 Samuel were part of the deuteronomistic history.
Who wrote 2 Samuel
1 and 2 Samuel were originally one book but they were divided by the translators of the Septuagint. Nathan and Gad were the authors of the 2nd Samuel. It follows 1 Samuel and precedes 1 king.
When was 2 Samuel written
The Samuel bible stories have occurred in 561 B.C.E. It was written during the Babylonian exile. It is the tenth book of the old testament. The books provide a glimpse into the transition from the Theocracy to the Monarchy.
Outline of Samuel 2
David’s coronation over the kingdom,1:1-5:6
Time of coronation ( after saul’s death), 1:1-27
The report of saul’s death, 1:1-10
The reactions to saul’s death, 1:11-16
The remorse over saul’s death, 1:17-27
The extent of the kingdom, 2:1-7
The effort to include the other tribes, 2:8-4:11
The rival, Ish-bosheth,2:8-11
The civil war, 2:12-4:12
Abner vs. Joab, 2:12-32
Abner deserts Ish-bosheth, 3:1-21
Joab murders Abner, 3:22-39
The murder of Ish-bosheth, 4:1-12
David dethroned over all the tribes, 5:7-6:23
David’s consolidation of the kingdom,5:7-6:23
The Government established in Jerusalem, 5:7-25
The ark brought to Jerusalem, 6:1-23
David’s covenant concerning the kingdom, 7:1-29
David’s proposal, 7:1-3
God’s disposal, 7:4-29
God’s promise, 7:4-17
David’s praise,7:18-29
David’s conquests for the kingdom, 8:1-10:19
He defeats Philistia, Moab, Zobah, Aram, Edom, 8:1-18
He shows kindness to Mephibosheth, 9:1-13
He defeats Ammon, 10:1-19
David’s crimes within the kingdom, 11:1-27
Adultery, 11:1-13
David’s conflict in the kingdom, 12:1-20:26
The death of his baby and the restoration of power, 12:1-31
The incest of Amnon, 13:1-39
The rebellion of Absalom, 14:1-18:33
Absalom returns,14:1-33
Absalom revolts,15:1-12
Absalom roots David, 15:13-16:14
Absalom rules in Jerusalem, 16:15-17:23
Absalom is defeated and dies, 17: 24- 18:33
Disorder in the kingdom, 19:1-39
Revolution in the kingdom, 19:40-20:26
David’s conclusion in the kingdom, 21:1-24:25
The Famine, 21:1-14
The exploits, 21:15-22
The song of David, 22:1-51
The last words of David, 23:1-7
The Deeds of David’s Mighty Men, 23:8-39
The census and plague, 24:1-25
A brief explanation of the book of Samuel 2
2 Samuel depicts David as a true representative of the ideal king. He was initially claimed as a king at Hebron by the tribe of Judah and also accepted by the remaining tribes. David’s leadership was decisive and effective. He captured Jerusalem from the people of Jebusites by winning the battle and made it his royal city.
Afterward, He brought the ark of the covenant from the house of Abinadab to Jerusalem. Under the rule of David, the Lord blessed the nation to prosper, defeated his enemies, and fulfilled His promise to extend its borders from Egypt to the Euphrates. David wanted to build a temple for the lord as a place for his throne and royal house and a place for Israel to worship the Lord. But the prophet Nathan told David not to build the Lord a house.
Lord promises that the David dynasty will endure forever. Later the prophets make clear that a descendant of David who sits on his throne will perfectly fulfill the role of the king. He will also complete the redemption of God’s people.
The book ends with David’s own to praise God who has delivered them from all their enemies. Our brief explanation will help you to know much information while reading 2 Samuel Bible study.
2 Samuel’s role in the Bible
The book of the first Samuel shows Israel’s transition from God’s authority to Saul’s irresponsible rule and disobedience to God. Second Samuel tells about God-honoring leadership under David. Samuel and David were chosen by God to lead His people. David was anointed by God as a king of Israel. In the new testament, Jesus was revealed to be the fulfillment of a Godly king. While David seeks to uphold the law of Moses but Christ comes to this world to fulfill the law.
David is tempted and fails but Jesus Christ overcomes the temptation. God promises that David’s generation will have an everlasting kingdom and fulfill the promise by sending his only son Jesus Christ to this world and giving authority to rule over Israel forever. ( luke 1:32-33)
What can we learn from the book of 2 Samuel
The life of David will present the faults of human conditions. The stories of Samuel bible can also serve as the mirrors of our own humanity. In these, we can see the works of God and through David can help us discern the activity of God in our relationships with the Lord and others.
Summary of 2nd Samuel
First Samuel closes with the death of king saul. Second Samuel’s summary by chapter records the history of Israel’s greatest king David. Book of Samuel 2 records God’s work in the life of David and his establishment of the Davidic dynasty. Second Samuel summary starts with the reign of David and begins by becoming a king over Judah and Israel. It includes military victories and God’s promise of an eternal dynasty.